Have you experienced problems maintaining a pregnancy.
Sometimes there are problems maintaining a pregnancy and this can result in a miscarriage. At times like this you are looking for answers to why this happened. You may question what you had been doing to cause this traumatic event by going over and over why it happened. Did you eat something you shouldn't. Did you do something too strenuous? You may not get any answers to your questions from your GP or Obstetrician. Some of you have probably been told to go away and forget about it and try again.
I'm delighted to say that can now offer my clients several different options of help at this difficult time. As part of the consultation we can look at testing for homocysteine markers, or consider herbal remedies or look at sperm health by using a male fertility test with EXAMEN, the UK leader in this field, to offer Sperm DNA Testing based here in NI. The Sperm test is a second-generation male fertility test that can measure the actual damage in individual sperm. It can help us to diagnose and treat couples previously faced with ‘Unexplained Infertility’. If you wish to avail of this test please contact me for further information.
Homocysteine testing: The importance of homocysteine as a marker for health is becoming more and more clear. Homocysteine has been shown to be an indicator for a variety of health problems, particularly infertility affecting both men and women, and causing recurrent miscarriage. Women with high homocysteine levels find it harder to conceive and are at risk from repeated early miscarriage. There is also evidence that high levels of homocysteine can reduce assisted reproduction success rates.
Unfortunately GPs cannot offer the facility for homocysteine testing on the NHS and they don't currently recognise the significance of it. So if your homocysteine level is something that you think you might need checked please contact me for an appointment. The homocysteine test is a quick and easy home-to-laboratory test that delivers reliable laboratory test results within just 10 days.
The good news is raised homocysteine levels can usually be brought back to normal levels by simple dietary changes and or supplementation with B vitamins and other supplemements. However, everyone is unique and different factors, including genetics, make it virtually impossible to determine an individual's nutritional requirements without assessing levels of homocysteine first, and then monitoring dietary changes to ensure that acceptable homocysteine levels are reached.
Herbal Remedies: I also work alongside a herbalist who has developed a herbal supplement to encourage the attachment of the embyro to the uterine wall for those who have experienced problems with early attachment of the embyro and who have no other medical conditions. Again, if this is an issue which you need help with please contact me.